Cartier’s Dictionary of Gematria 3rd Edition.


Gematria is the practice of finding meaningful relationships between words of the same value, analyzing them, and using them for esoteric work. Qabalah is divided into Speculative Qabalah and Practical Qabalah; Gematria is part of the latter. Cartier’s Dictionary of Gematria is an online reference book with entries mostly in Hebrew, ancient Greek and Latin, to support this kind of analysis. Ease of use is supported by bidirectional hyperlinks between main body entries and with entries from other dictionaries, which can be found among the appendices, and also with words found in the first few sentences of Genesis. Not meant for the dilettante.

About the author: François Cartier has been studying Hermetic Qabalah for more than 50 years and has given presentations in the U.S., Canada, France and Japan on various qabalistically related topics. After getting his B.S. in Chemistry in 1973, François joined B.O.T.A. in 1975, graduated from La Société de Métaphysique du Québec in 1976, joined O.T.O. in 1981, received a Doctorate in Metaphysics from the Brotherhood of the White Temple and moved to California in 1982, was consecrated bishop of the O.T.O.-E.G.C. in 1985, and joined F.L.O. in 2002.

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Entries in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, indexed by value With bidirectional links to entries from various sources

Fraternitas LVX Occulta – Fraternity of the Hidden Light

Description: Gematria is the practice of finding meaningful relationships between words of the same value, analyzing them, and using them for esoteric work. Qabalah is divided into Speculative Qabalah and Practical Qabalah; Gematria is part of the latter. Cartier’s Dictionary of Gematria is an online reference book with entries mostly in Hebrew, ancient Greek and Latin, to support this kind of analysis. Ease of use is supported by bidirectional hyperlinks between main body entries and with entries from other dictionaries, which can be found among the appendices, and also with words found in the first few sentences of Genesis. Not meant for the dilettante.

About the author: François Cartier has been studying Hermetic Qabalah for more than 50 years and has given presentations in the U.S., Canada, France and Japan on various qabalistically related topics. After getting his B.S. in Chemistry in 1973, François joined B.O.T.A. in 1975, graduated from La Société de Métaphysique du Québec in 1976, joined O.T.O. in 1981, received a Doctorate in Metaphysics from the Brotherhood of the White Temple and moved to California in 1982, was consecrated bishop of the O.T.O.-E.G.C. in 1985, and joined F.L.O. in 2002.



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