Conclave Video 2021 SPANISH


This is the video of the Spanish version of the 2021 Conclave “Promises of the Ageless Wisdom”

Panel – How to encounter the Aquarian Age

How the mind is calling us through music and popular “fiction” comics movies and literature

Is the Philosophers Stone made of water?

Aquarius is a sign of Air, Brief Communications

Magic starts with Vision

Saturn is also involved since it is freedom!

Qabbalistically out of the box – Uranus is also there!

What the Fool is looking at?

An Invitation

Healing Meditation



This is the video of the Spanish version of the 2021 Conclave “Promises of the Ageless Wisdom”

Panel – How to encounter the Aquarian Age

How the mind is calling us through music and popular “fiction” comics movies and literature

Is the Philosophers Stone made of water?

Aquarius is a sign of Air, Brief Communications

Magic starts with Vision

Saturn is also involved since it is freedom!

Qabbalistically out of the box – Uranus is also there!

What the Fool is looking at?

An Invitation

Healing Meditation


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