2021 Conclave Link ENGLISH
- $10.00
- The video of our Virtual Conclave 2021 in English
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- $40.00
- This outlines what has been added to CDOG between the 3rd Edition and the 4th Edition: 206 new entries in main body: 21 new numeric entries 148 new Hebrew entries 28 new Greek entries 39 new Latin entries 28 corrected/enhanced entries Added entries to appendices A through E 6 enhanced tables: Table of colors Tables of planets (Hebrew and Latin) Table of…
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Celebrating Spiritual Discipline
- $19.95
- By: Walter Parrish
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Color Cards
- $25.00
- The potent forces of color may be used in conjunction with the symbolism of the tarot to aid in one's spiritual development and to promote health and balance. Each card has been carefully created to reflect the specific colors used in the work of the F.L.O. All cards are 4" x 6"
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Conclave Video 2021 SPANISH
- $10.00
- This is the video of the Spanish version of the 2021 Conclave "Promises of the Ageless Wisdom" Panel - How to encounter the Aquarian Age How the mind is calling us through music and popular "fiction" comics movies and literature Is the Philosophers Stone made of water? Aquarius is a sign of Air, Brief Communications Magic starts with Vision Saturn…
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Esoteric Secrets of Meditation and Magic
- $19.95
- Volume 2: The Early Writings By: Paul Foster Case
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High School Astrology
- $14.99
- By: Arisa Victor
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Occult Fundamentals and Spiritual Unfoldment
- $19.95
- Volume 1: The Early Writings By: Paul Foster Case
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The Spoken Cabala
- $29.00
- Tarot Explorations of the One Self By: Jason Lotterhand
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