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September 25, 2024 @ 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm
UTC. 1:00AM 5:00 PM California / Arizona Wednesday 6:00 PM Colorado 7:00 PM Dallas / Mexico City/ Colombia 8:00 PM Boston 9:00 AM Tokyo 10:30 AM Adelaide
In the 800-year dance of the Great Chronocrator we see Saturn and Jupiter, father and son, in their complicated relationship now forming aspects in Air. In ‘24 and ‘25 we are experiencing the fallout from the three clashes between them as they go toe-to-toe and create social and political reverberations that will be felt by us all. What happened in history centuries ago when they squared off before in this Element and this aspect? What will happen in the months to come? Join me as we examine these influences in the heavens.
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Meeting ID: 522 027 1828
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+13462487799,,5220271828# US (Houston)